Theme Big: Brave (Merida Disney Princess) Pole Class!

This is a 60-minute pole class plan for students who have a pole at home or for teachers to steal as a lesson plan. It’s based on the Pixar movie Brave in honor of Crowned Athletics new Merida set (obsessed!).

General instructions:

  • Dress up! Break out your best tartan, gold, and greens! The set I’m wearing below is the Changed Fate collection from Crowned Athletics and if you use my affiliate code VALOLIPHANT you can get 10% off! I am in love with all their stuff.

  • Free playlist! Conveniently, the Brave soundtrack is 65 minutes, perfect for a 60-minute class/home session.

  • Both sides! As a physical therapist, I cannot stress enough how many injuries are caused by muscle imbalances. Do yourself a huge favor and always do both sides, even if one side is terrible/wonky/hard.

  • How to scale the class to your level: If you are a beginner, I suggest doing moves from the floor without climbing up the pole, or only doing from one climb up. If you are an advanced student, challenge yourself by putting your pole on spin mode or by focusing on your non-dominant side (ideally everyone is doing both sides).


If you are following my 60 min playlist, the first 3 songs are for warm-up and conditioning. Possible things to include:

  • Bear planks

  • Thread the needle

Potential Pole Moves: 

Here is a list of potential moves at various levels. I like to do 2 combos for class, with only 2-3 new moves total (the rest are ones my students will have already learned or are simple to pick up). Click the hyperlink to see a photo or tutorial I found on the interwebs. 

Pole Combos: 

I like to do 2 combos for class, with only 2-3 new moves total (the rest are ones my students will have already learned or are simple to pick up).

The Win your Own Hand is an intermediate-advanced combo (can be done on static or spin pole).

  • Outside leg hang > Pendant > Archer > Fallen Lady Spin

The Mend the Bond combos are just two of favorite thread throughs!

Final Freestyle: Touch the Sky

I like to end class with a final freestyle/jam. The goal is to have fun and do whatever you want. Below are a few prompts to play with in your freestyle.

  • The floor is lava- embody the name of the song and challenge yourself to stay in the air the entire song.

  • Explore the elements- one of my favorite things about Merida is her fiery attitude. This song has a lot of discussion of the elements, water, wind, and earth. Explore all four in your freestyle! Lyric inspiration:

    • When the cold wind is a-calling and the sky is clear and bright

    • Misty mountains sing and beckon, Lead me out into the light

    • Mountains are fierce and bold

    • Deep waters hold reflections of times lost long ago

    • Be as strong as the seas are stormy

Would love to see any videos or photos if you try it at home or in your studio. Tag @valpolephant so I can see them!

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